Tuesday 22 June 2010

Re-discovered drawing

After moving to West Winch nearly 2 years ago we are still....yes still... unpacking the odd box and stuff and I came across this old LOTR illustration I completed some 20 years ago...long before Peter Jackson's magnificent epic's.

I've lost count of how many times I have illustrated various scenes from this book over the years but it has been a lot.

I kept this one as I started it in hospital while recovering from a heart attack. At first it was just a pen & ink drawing but a few years later I decided to either dump it or colour it in....I did the latter....obviously...and decided to keep it again despite knowing I could do better.

These day's I know that I could do much, much better but it has a charm about it that seems to somehow mature....either that or I'm getting more sentimental.

Would I ever part with it for money asks my wife...yep, I probably would.....so much for sentiment then.

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