Friday 25 November 2011

Cllr Gaddafi?

Poisoning the population by intent......Denying people a right to democracy.....Threatening the population with retribution for opposing the regime.....Familiar descriptions when talking about the likes of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussain but a bit more disturbing when you can use the same descriptive terms to offer a narrative on our own 'home grown' dictator, Cllr Murphy and his deluded rantings.
The latest threats to withdraw support and funding from much needed social housing projects in King's Lynn and Thetford in order to fund his 'private' incinerator project (private because he's the only one who wants it and is allegedly the only one to gain anything from it) came about as retribution for us wanting a slice of democracy and a poison free future.
Murphy and his equally small minded minions clearly have no connection between their mouth's and brains and like all self deluded dictators they will continue to act out their fantasy oblivious to public opinion right up to the bitter end....lets hope their end comes on December 5th.

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